This year's "The 46 Places to Go in 2013" article in the New York Times called Lithuania "an overlooked beer destination in the Baltics" (by the way, it is number 24 in the list of places to visit).
And overlooked it is. Lithuania has centuries-long beer brewing and drinking traditions across the country.
And overlooked it is. Lithuania has centuries-long beer brewing and drinking traditions across the country.
There are quite a few large commercial breweries in the country (more about their beer in the next post). But centered around the town of Biržai in the northern part of Lithuania, there are dozens tiny old microbreweries producing unique beers by employing unusual techniques, rare yest strains, and secret recipes. Good news is that in recent years visitors can easily explore this beer world by hoping on a tour. I believe one should hurry to see, smell, and taste the authentic beer before the trail is overrun by tourists, and the place becomes a fridge magnet and souvenir beer glass shop.
If you have no plans to travel to Lithuania, yet are keen to try the beer, my next post is about large and popular Lithuanian breweries, which export their beers to a store near you :).
If you have no plans to travel to Lithuania, yet are keen to try the beer, my next post is about large and popular Lithuanian breweries, which export their beers to a store near you :).